Flint author April McGee explores healing and transformation in debut book 'A Life Unknown'

FLINT, Michigan — Flint native April McGee delves deep into self-reflection, healing, and personal transformation in her debut book, 'A Life Unknown.' The book explores these core themes, guiding readers on a journey toward understanding themselves better and finding inner peace.

McGee emphasizes the importance of self-reflection as she encourages readers to take a step back and examine their lives, understanding past experiences and how they've shaped who they are today. She drew inspiration from her own personal experiences and struggles with healing, and heavily attributes God for helping her weather the storms of life. 

As she shares her journey and lessons learned throughout the book, McGee's intention with 'A Life Unknown' is to inspire readers to embrace change and transform their lives while keeping the faith.

During her Q&A with Flintside, the new author spoke about what inspired the book, stepping out of her comfort zone, and what she hopes readers take away from 'A Life Unknown.'

Flintside: What initially inspired you to write your book?

April McGee: "Honestly I never had any thought of writing a book ever. I was in a very dark place at the time, fighting with healing and staying the same. I was praying to God, asking since He allowed me to go through this storm, what does He want me to do with this pain? God responded to write a book. 'I want you to tell the world what I have done for you.'"

Flintside: How long did it take you to put the book together?

A. McGee: "It took me two years to complete the book."
April McGee.
Flintside: What is your favorite part of the book?

A. McGee: "My favorite part of the book is the book itself. I stepped out of my comfort zone and let people into my world which is something I never thought I would do."

Flintside: Who (or what audience) did you have in mind while writing the book?

A. McGee: "The audience I want to reach are teens and up. Also, those that are living in their unhealed selves, battle between becoming better and staying the same. Those who are lost and not understanding their journey. Those living in brokenness."

Flintside: If your book was adapted into a film, who would you like to portray you?

A. McGee: "My first choice would be Regina Hall and my second choice would be Lauren London."

Flintside: What do you hope readers will take away from your book?

A. McGee: "I pray as the reader reads my story, they are able to heal in each chapter. I want them to visualize themselves in place of me. I pray they can see and feel God in every chapter of my life, even when I rebelled. I pray that my healing journey inspires the reader to start on their own journey. Know that if God did it for me, He’ll definitely do it for you."

April McGee's 'A Life Unknown' is available for purchase on Amazon.
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