Flint author Nicholas Maze shares spiritual journey in his new faith-based book 'Chosen'

FLINT, Michigan — Flint author and lecturer Nicholas Maze shares his years of biblical studies with readers in his latest book release, 'Chosen.' Having already published over a dozen books in both the fiction and nonfiction genres, Maze’s newest work is geared toward a Christian audience who he hopes will gather a better understanding of their beliefs.

Flintside had a chance to chat with Maze about his early background, his passion for writing, faith, his catalog, and how 'Chosen' came about. 

Flintside: Could you talk a bit about yourself and your background?

Nicholas Maze: "I was born and raised in Flint, Michigan. I’m a graduate of Beecher High School. From there, I went on to obtain my bachelor’s degree in accounting from Baker College and master’s degree in creative writing from Full Sail University."

Flintside: When did you develop your passion for writing?

N. Maze: "My passion started as a preteen. At the time, I was just creative and had a strong imagination so writing became my outlet. I could write what was in my head and watch it come to life. The first short story I ever wrote was a horror story. This was the era when Freddy and Jason (characters from the films 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' and 'Friday the 13th') were really big. I figured I could create my own tale. Just know that my parents were not pleased about the content their son was writing."
'Chosen' is now available on Amazon.
Flintside: How many books have you published before your latest release? Do you write both nonfiction and fiction?

N. Maze: "I have published 13 books prior to this book. Yes, I started with fiction because that’s where my imagination gets to create. I eventually transitioned to the nonfiction writer I am today. That’s due to the fact that I believe I have an important message to share."

Flintside: How did the idea for 'Chosen' come about?

N. Maze: "I’ve been on this journey for a while, sharing my walk with Jesus and the role He has in all of our lives. Every book has been a step up from the previous. I believe I learn more every time I begin to write. This is the sixth book so far. 'Chosen' simply shows how God has chosen you for this moment and time. Even if it all doesn’t make sense at this moment and time, you were purposely picked. You were meant to be here for this current time.

There will never be another you. You survived everything you have been through for a reason. That’s how I view life for myself so I purposely wrote about being 'chosen.' Along the way, I tie it all together by sharing the lives of people in the Holy Bible that were chosen. Allowing the reader to see what they had to experience and how everything comes full circle."

Flintside: Do you have any advice for aspiring local authors who would like to publish a book?

N. Maze: "Just do it and believe in what it is you are doing. If you have a project inside you that you want to get out, then trust that it is possible and move forward. Everything will work as it should. There will definitely be challenges because that comes with life but see it to the end. Technology has made it easier, now more than ever, to publish your work.

The biggest challenge is not having a large platform to back your work and push it out to the masses but technology has made this possible with the free platform of social media. It’ll take some work but it’ll be worth it."

Nicholas Maze’s 'Chosen' is available to purchase on Amazon.
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