No 2 Stripes Alike aims to create opportunities for Flint students interested in a zoology career

FLINT, Michigan — Shekinah Wagner has always felt called to animals. Her mother often reminds her of a childhood story where she would lie in her crib with the family cat curled up next to her. Wagner, only a baby at the time, was the only one in the house the cat seemed to get along with. Her mother knew then that her connection to animals was unique.

Wagner went on to pursue zoology at Michigan State University despite looking different from many other classmates. Achieving her dream of working with animals, she is now passionate about demonstrating the endless career opportunities in zoology to Black students from Flint with her company, No Two Stripes Alike (N2SA), an animal education company and petting zoo based in Flint. 

During her Q&A with Flintside, Wagner discussed her love for animals, her upcoming zoology lab, and creating new growth opportunities for Flint students seeking a career in zoology. 

Flintside: Tell me about yourself, and what sparked your interest in animals.

Shekinah Wagner: "Growing up, I wanted to be in every animal-related career. I went from wanting to be an oceanographer to a marine biologist — I wanted to do it all. I took a career test as a senior at Carman Ainsworth High School. The results said I could be a nurse, a zoologist, or be in the military. At the time, there were only two zoology programs in the United States — Michigan State University and the University of Hawaii.

I didn’t want to leave my family, so I went to MSU for zoology until I could no longer afford it. During my junior year, I became a helicopter mechanic in the military and finished school when I returned. Now, I feel refreshed anytime I get to educate someone about animals because it is a reminder that this is what I am supposed to be doing."
Flintside: Was it discouraging to study in a field where not many people looked like you?

S. Wagner: "Yes and no. Yes, because I got tested often. Either you know everything, or it is assumed you know nothing. I knew I was there because God told me to be there, so I didn’t let anyone bother me. There is never any doubt because passion has always been there. I can recognize a child that’s like me from a mile away. I am thankful because I know not many people have the kind of opportunities I have had.

When I worked at Henry Doorly Zoo, I noticed I never got to see any Black students go behind the scenes. The schools from Black communities couldn’t expose their students to wildlife, and it made me sad. It made me want to do something and create my own zoo. By 11th grade, I had an entire blueprint for a zoo in Flint, I picked out the land and everything. I felt like if I was from Flint, this is something I needed to bring to Flint."

Flintside: How can the community get involved with N2SA?

S. Wagner: "We will be rolling out our zoology lab some time in October, so people can come in and actually have an on-the-spot interaction with some of the animals that will be in our lab. That will also help us to keep the animals socialized while we teach at the same time. We’ll also be able to host birthday parties, and we’ll be bringing a lot to animal education in Flint. We are also on social media, and we are accepting donations for animal supplies and animal food through our CashApp at $N2SA2."

Flintside: What advice would you give to someone interested in pursuing a career in zoology?

S. Wagner: "Experience in this field is probably more important than in any other field. I have gotten a job over someone with a four-year degree because I had accumulated so much experience, and so many hands-on hours with animals. I tell my students that there should be no gaps in volunteering or doing something with animals which is another reason why I’m opening the lab. I have so many students who need somewhere to get these hours. I wish I had had a specific place to go instead of having to go to a kennel. I have students who want to work with alligators, lizards and other animals that aren’t in kennels. If you can’t volunteer anywhere, get on YouTube to start learning as much as you can."

Flintside: Is there anything else you’d like us to know about you or N2SA?

S. Wagner: "If you have a student who is interested in being a zoologist, I would love to connect with them. I am trying to build a network of students who want to go into this field that I can mentor and train. I had a young lady who wanted to be a wolf biologist, so I was able to get her connected with someone who is working with a local wolf pack. You must get where you want to be, and that’s the thing about our field."

No 2 Stripes Alike will open its lab at New Standard Academy in October. Stay up to date by following the company's Facebook page.
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